How to Land a Plane

How to Land a Plane

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Take a seat--the captain's seat, that is--and relax. You're about to land a Boeing 747.

The mystery of flight is magical; the reality, still more so--from the physics that keeps a 450-ton vehicle aloft, to the symphony of technology and teamwork that safely sets it down again. Take it from Mark Vanhoenacker--British Airways pilot, internationally bestselling author, and your new flight instructor. This is How to Land a Plane.

Vanhoenacker covers every step--from approach to touchdown-- with precision, wit, and infectious enthusiasm. Aided by dozens of illustrations, you'll learn all the tools and rules of his craft: altimeters, glidepaths, alignment, and more. Before you know it, you'll be on the ground, exiting the aircraft with a whole new appreciation for the art and science of flying.

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