Profeta Levntate

Profeta Levntate

A book by John Eckhardt
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Algo se mueve dentro de ti pero ha sido acallado, gravemente socavado y malentendido. Tienes que creer que Dios no te ha olvidado. El no te ha dejado fuera. No ests loco, Profeta, levntate! Sal de tu cueva y anmate a hablar la palabra del Seor. Dios te est llamando a ser su trompeta y a sonar la alarma.

El Cuerpo de Cristo tiene una gran necesidad de que los profetas se despierten y salgan adelante. Ya sea que nunca hayas pronunciado una palabra proftica o que uses tu don de manera activa, el popular autor John Eckhardt te ofrece una enseanza inspiradora sin igual. El revela valientemente las caractersticas de un profeta, que pudieran estar dormidas en tu vida, para que Dios te lance a tu llamado.

- Las caractersticas nicas de un profeta Los detalles del llamamiento de un profeta
- Qu motiva al corazn de un profeta y mueve la uncin
- La recompensa que lleva el profeta a aquellos que lo reciben
- Cmo encontrar sanidad y liberacin para el profeta que ha sido herido.


Something is stirring inside of you, but it has been silenced, gravely undermined, and misunderstood. You must believe that God has not forgotten you.

He has not sidelined you. You are not crazy. Prophet, arise! Come out of your cave and be encouraged to speak forth the word of the Lord. God is calling you to be His Trumpet and to sound the alarm. The body of Christ desperately needs prophets to awaken and go forth. Whether you have never spoken a prophetic word or you actively engage your gift, best-selling author John Eckhardt provides an unparalleled, inspiring teaching for you. He boldly reveals the characteristics of a prophet that may lie dormant in your life so God can launch you into your calling.

You will learn:
- Unique characteristics of a prophet The details of a prophet's call
- What moves a prophet's heart and stirs the anointing
- The rewards a prophet brings to those who receive them
- How to find healing and deliverance for the prophet who has been hurt

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