Oraciones Que Rompen Cadenas / Break Every Chain

Oraciones Que Rompen Cadenas / Break Every Chain

A book by John Eckhardt
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Puedes vencer cualquier fortaleza que se te oponga. No te conformes con menos.

El enemigo de tu alma trabaja hasta lo imposible para mantenerte atado, debilitado y frustrado. l quiere que no sepas lo que realmente hay detrs de tus luchas para as robarte la paz, la salud, la alegra y la prosperidad.

Si puede mantenerte a oscuras, evitar que camines victorioso. En su obra Oraciones que rompen cadenas, John Eckhardt revela veinticinco fortalezas e influencias demonacas que --casi siempre-- mantienen cautivos a los cristianos.

En este libro aprenders:
- A identificar los secretos de las tcticas del enemigo.
- Cmo usar el poder de la Palabra para expulsar a las fuerzas satnicas.
- Cmo romper las cadenas que te atan.

Es tiempo de que el cristiano se libere de toda atadura y se afirme en la Palabra de Dios, resista al diablo, se libere de la esclavitud y disfrute las abundantes bendiciones y promesas del Seor.


FROM THE BEST SELLING AUTHOR OF PRAYERS THAT ROUT DEMONS Victory over every obstacle is within reach, don't settle for anything less.

The enemy works overtime to keep people bound, exhausted, and frustrated. His goal is to convince believers that God's promises are for everyone but them. When they believe his lies, they unknowingly partner with him and give him access to their lives. This is how a stronghold is formed.

The enemy has bound God's people up long enough. In Break Every Chain, John Eckhardt reveals twenty-five strongholds that commonly hold Christians captive. He exposes the enemy's tactics and teaches readers to use the power of the Word to drive the devil out and break the chains that hold them back.

This book empowers readers to stand upon the Word of the Lord, resist the devil, break free of bondage, and experience the blessings and promises of God. This book will help you discover the spiritual forces that could be behind your setbacks, failures, and defeats. Your will learn how you may have unknowingly partnered with the devil by believing his lies, and you will experience breakthrough as you begin to replace his lies with the truth of God's Word.

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