Meridiano de Sangre / Blood Meridian

Meridiano de Sangre / Blood Meridian

A book by Cormac McCarthy
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Una impresionante e imaginativa fbula moral acerca de la naturaleza de la violencia y la justicia, en su 25 aniversario de publicada.

Las autoridades mexicanas y del estado de Texas organizan una expedicin paramilitar para acabar con el mayor nmero posible de indios. Es el Grupo Glanton, y tienen como lder espiritual al juez Holden, un ser violento y cruel. Nunca duerme, viola y asesina nios de ambos sexos y afirma que nunca morir.

Todo cambia cuando los carniceros de Glanton dejan de asesinar indios y empiezan a exterminar a los mexicanos que les pagan. Se instaura as la ley de la selva, el terreno moral donde la figura del juez se convierte en una especie de dios arbitrario.


25th ANNIVERSARY EDITION - An epic novel of the violence and depravity that attended America's westward expansion, Blood Meridian brilliantly subverts the conventions of the Western novel and the mythology of the Wild West--from the bestselling, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Road

Based on historical events that took place on the Texas-Mexico border in the 1850s, it traces the fortunes of the Kid, a fourteen-year-old Tennesseean who stumbles into the nightmarish world where Indians are being murdered and the market for their scalps is thriving.

Look for Cormac McCarthy's new novel, The Passenger, coming October '22.

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