Paraprofessionals and Teachers Working Together 3rd Edition

Paraprofessionals and Teachers Working Together 3rd Edition

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Throw out the phrase, "Just a teacher's aide" Improve paraprofessional/teacher relationships, define roles, manage behavior proactively, and effectively collaborate to increase student academic success. This book enables paraprofessionals and teachers to find solutions that work and it will show you the way, too! - Forms and checklists to assist paraprofessionals and teachers with defining roles, collecting data, collaborating on critical issues, and working effectively together. - Keys to success for teachers; including the paraprofessional and ensuring that students respect all adults in the classroom. - Keys to success for paraprofessionals; encouraging student independence, ownership, peer relationships and academic success. - Communication tips to enhance collaboration with parents and staff. - Proactive ways for paraprofessionals to prevent discipline problems and use positive techniques to handle problem behavior. - Scripts for managing behavior through planned response rather than reaction. - Concrete strategies for dealing with a lack of focus, fidgeting, back talk, and re-direction without disturbing the rest of the class. - Proven strategies to effectively and efficiently adapt and manage content area curricula adaptations to meet student learning styles and IEP requirements in the regular classroom.
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