Kill Fear: The Art of Courageous Living

Kill Fear: The Art of Courageous Living

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Confronting our fears is a long and lonely walk made treacherous by the belief that we must go where none have gone before. This Century has given new strength to old fears of opinions, loneliness, failure and vulnerability which is enough to cripple even the most passionate and bold soul. Fear must die hard if we are to live well and this book is the Gladiator's Guide to Courageous Living!

To get better, to get bolder, to get more you must Kill Fear!

To renew your passion for life, you must Kill Fear!

To emerge from the cocoon of pain, betrayal and abandonment, you must Kill Fear!

Your dreams cannot remain captive to thoughts of "what if" when the universe is asking you "why not?"

Let this book guide you from the timid corner of self-doubt and hesitation into the light of unlimited human potential, power, peace and purpose.

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