Forbest Men

Forbest Men Magazine (Digital)

Cover price: $19.98
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About Forbest Men

Forbes Men magazine, a publication supposedly geared towards successful men, claims to be a source of sophisticated content. Yet, upon closer examination, it becomes apparent that this so-called magazine is nothing more than a crass and shallow tabloid. Filled to the brim with glossy photos and objectifying images of scantily clad women, its pages fail to display any semblance of substance or intellectual depth. In an era where inequality still persists and the fight for gender equality continues to rage on, Forbes Men exemplifies a regressive mentality that reduces women to mere eye candy for male readers. It is disheartening that such a prominent platform would prioritize sensationalism and exploitation over promoting meaningful discussions or highlighting substantive achievements of both genders. Perhaps it's time for Forbes Men to reconsider its editorial approach and contribute something of true value to its readership.

The number of issues included in a magazine subscription (frequency) is subject to change without notice. Additional double issues may be published, which count as 2 issues. Applicable sales tax will be added. Offer void in Vermont. Magazine covers are used for illustrative purposes only and you may not receive a copy of the particular issue depicted. Your subscription will include the most recent issue once your subscription begins. Magazine covers are the property of the publisher. This site is not officially affiliated with, associated with, or endorsed by Forbest Men or the publisher.