Defense Technology Monthly 尖端科技 Magazine (Digital)

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About Defense Technology Monthly 尖端科技

尖端科技軍事雜誌(Defense Technology Monthly,DTM)是中華民國民間所創辦的第一份專業軍事刊物,以報導各國武器裝備近況,國防科技新發展,國軍與世界軍事新聞為主,自1984年1月創刊以來,與世界各大軍火廠商(如BAe、Bell、Boeing、GAIT、IAI、GD、SAAB..)及軍事新聞單位(如美國國防部、美國海軍、日本防衛廳、北大西洋公約總部…)等連絡,可長期提供應軍事新聞,並有海外特派員,負責當地的軍聞收集及採訪等連絡,可長期提供應軍事新聞,並有海外特派員,負責當地的軍聞收集及採訪. 尖端科技軍事雜誌不只是台灣最知名的中文軍事刊物,同時也是在香港、中國大陸、日本、東南亞和美加等地區的讀者指名採購的台灣出版的著名刊物之一。

The number of issues included in a magazine subscription (frequency) is subject to change without notice. Additional double issues may be published, which count as 2 issues. Applicable sales tax will be added. Offer void in Vermont. Magazine covers are used for illustrative purposes only and you may not receive a copy of the particular issue depicted. Your subscription will include the most recent issue once your subscription begins. Magazine covers are the property of the publisher. This site is not officially affiliated with, associated with, or endorsed by Defense Technology Monthly 尖端科技 or the publisher.