Dear Edward by acclaimed author Ann Napolitano is a deeply moving novel that unfolds the poignant story of a young survivor. Set against the backdrop of a tragic airline disaster, the book follows 12-year-old Edward Adler, the sole survivor among 191 passengers. As Edward grapples with the overwhelming trauma of his loss, the narrative masterfully explores themes of grief, resilience, and the search for meaning in the aftermath of disaster.
This large print paperback edition of Dear Edward is designed to offer readers an accessible reading experience without compromising on the emotional depth and intensity of the story. Napolitano's profound exploration of human relationships and her sophisticated storytelling will captivate readers who appreciate novels that offer both heartwarming and heartbreaking moments.
Praise for Dear Edward highlights the novel's capacity to invoke both tears and smiles, capturing the complexities of surviving and thriving after unimaginable loss. This edition is perfect for book clubs and readers looking to enjoy a powerful, affecting narrative that gracefully handles difficult themes with sensitivity and hope.